Thursday, 23 April 2015

Time-travel through pictures

Temple Bar - the Time Trap Trail

Sketch taken from Time Trap

The monument in the centre of the road, is where Temple Bar stood, which you will see later on the Trail. Temple Bar is a boundary marker, separating the City of London and Westminster. It was along this street, Hector drove his faltering contraption. 

Extract from the Trail

Catherine clasped her head, as Jamie opened the carriage door. He was reaching for the handrails and using the seat to hoist himself up. 'What are you doing, Jamie? Get back inside!' she screamed.
Jamie ignored her and hauled himself up the side-panelling. Temple Bar lay ahead. The ancient white gateway almost glowed in the moonlight. The driverless coach rapidly approached it. 

Time Trap

The history of Temple Bar is a fascinating one. It was erected as a barrier to regulate trade into the city. As the most important entrance to London from Westminster, it has long been the custom that the monarch stop at Temple Bar before entering the City of London, so that the Lord Mayor may offer him or her the City's pearl-encrusted Sword of State as a token of loyalty. 

Its name comes from the Temple Church, which has given its name to a wider area south of Fleet Street, the Temple, once belonging to the Knights Templar, but now home to two of the legal profession's Inns of Court.

Due to the ever increasing volume of traffic, the City of London Corporation were eager to widen the road, though unwilling to destroy so historic a monument, but in 1878, Temple Bar was dismantled carefully (2,700 stones) piece-by-piece over an 11-day period. In 1880, it ended up being erected as a gateway at the house of the brewer Henry Meux, in Theobalds Park.

There it remained, incongruously sitting in a clearing in a wood, from 1878–2003. But where is it now? If you follow the Time Trap Trail, you will get to see it in all its glory.

The structure that replaced Temple Bar. With the removal of Wren's gate, it was designed by Horace Jones, as a memorial to mark Temple Bar, which was unveiled in 1880.


Can you see Temple Bar on the map?

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